This Child
In the mid 1990’s, at the time of the Bosnian War and the ongoing terrorism in the Middle East, there was no shortage of appalling images of war to be found in books and the popular press. It was at this time that I decided to move my work away from the narrow confines of my studio and attempt to create sculpture that addresses the pathos expressed in these photographs. To create work that might dignify the innocent victims of these wars. Where to begin? I felt that the plight of Agent Orange children in Vietnam might be a possibility as these violent crimes obviously affected the innocent in profound ways. Once my point of reference was established, next was the choice of material. I decided upon the most traditional—stone. And the focus of both form and content would be a portrait head based upon photos of these effected children.
Note: The last part in this catalogue of my work is the proposed: Memorial to the Innocent Victims of War. It is my hope that the Memorial will be realized, and these stone portraits will be installed within.